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Weight Loss Success Stories & Testimonials

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Weight Loss Stories


Jeff Quiggle

I am SO glad that I started with Dr. Shah and her weight loss program! At 51, I’d been steadily gaining weight for nearly 20 years, putting on 70 extra pounds on my 6′ 2″ frame by February of 2017. I had been referred to Dr. Shah by a cardiologist who had treated me in 2016 for a blood clot. After completing my treatment, the cardiologist said “look, we fixed the clot but unless you take some weight off, you’re heading for diabetes, stroke, or heart attack.” He suggested Dr. Shah’s program. I’d known that I needed to lose weight for years, but I really didn’t know how, and clearly from a health perspective, I needed to do something. I met with Dr Shah, and her program made sense to me as something that I could do. She doesn’t promote fad diets, or fasts, or cleanses, or any sort of quick fix. When people ask me what kind of diet I’ve been on, I say it’s the “Stop putting so much food into my mouth” diet. Her program is education, about how our American eating habits make us overweight, and how to eat to lose weight, and to control your weight. And it is hard! I don’t want to pretend otherwise. She put me on a 1200 calorie a day diet, which I tracked using a free smartphone app called MyFitnessPal. Staying within a 1200 calorie limit means getting rid of most of the foods that are very high calorie, and counting everything that I ate. Eliminating processed foods, fast food, sugar and sugary foods, and replacing those with lots of veggies, lean meat, and some fruit really helps to control calories. And the next thing I knew, the weight was falling off. From February to October, I went from 285 lbs to 235 lbs – a 50 lb loss. And the bonus of learning how to eat and eating healthy all the time, I’ve helped people around me; my daughter has lost weight, my colleagues have also adopted my habits like bringing apples to the office as snacks, and some have lost weight. I feel like I am far better equipped now to live a healthy life and keep the weight off, since it’s been as much education as weight loss.

And I have to say that working with Dr Shah is an absolute pleasure. Her counseling is supportive, friendly, and helpful; she never made me feel uncomfortable or guilty. She monitored my health throughout the year I’ve been working with her, and helped me to understand how my body was reacting and changing to my changed diet and reduced weight.

So – if you are looking for a quick weight loss, a fad diet, or some kind of too-good-to-be-true program to lose weight, Dr Shah isn’t for you. But if you want to learn about how to eat, and learn how to lose weight and keep it off, work with Dr Shah and Vitality Weight Loss. It isn’t easy, but nothing worthwhile ever is. And she will help you lose weight and learn how to keep it off.



Stephanie lost 21 lbs and 7 inches off her waist with Vitality Weight Loss!

Dr. Shah helped me with an eating plan that not only enabled me to lose stubborn weight that I thought would never come off, but also adopt a healthy lifestyle that I will maintain. She is always thorough in her evaluation of my health and well-being and listens as I ask questions. Her professionalism, care and support are outstanding and encourage confidence to promote positive change.



Jonathan lost over 100 lbs in 5 months! He has continued to lose weight and we will regularly post updates of how he is doing.



Brenda reversed prediabetes and hypertension with Vitality Weight Loss!



Guineth reversed diabetes and fatty liver disease with Vitality Weight Loss!



“D” reversed prediabetes and obesity with Vitality Weight Loss!



Chris lost 32 lbs in just 3 mos with Vitality Weight Loss!



Dennis lost over 30 lbs with Vitality Weight Loss!

More Weight Loss Testimonials

* Individual Results May Vary

I started my journey with Vitality Weight Loss in December of 2019. I was referred by my nephrologist because my kidneys were failing due to all the fluid my body was carrying. We had worked with different combinations of diuretics for 18 months with no results so it was decided we were not going to get control of this till I lost weight. I started the actual diet in in January 2020 at 537 pounds. This time I was determined that this time would be different. With the help of all the people at Vitality I am down 79 pounds, 2 dress sizes, off my blood pressure medication and even had to move my seat up in my car twice!. All by making small changes a little at a time, I cut fast food out of my life, stopped eating processed food as much as possible. The weekly guidance has helped me stay on track during a pandemic, through the death of my father and the death of my dog. It has not been an easy year but taking all these small steps has added up and recently it was determined I was no longer in Kidney Failure!!! I did it for my health and it is actually working and it is an individualized program that I have made my life choice. Vitality helped me change my relationship with food and for that I will always be thankful. The journey is far from over but if I can lose weight during the chaos that has been 2020, I can do anything!


I am 76 years old and have tried for years to lose the weight I needed to lose to help me be healthier. Dr. Shah and Vitality have helped me, finally, to do this. It is obvious Dr. Shah has a real passion for helping people get healthy. I feel that she is truly rooting for me. The program helps me stay on track. If I have a setback, I know that Dr. Shah will help me through it. She’s on my team and I can’t let my team down. I don’t want to let my team down. You are never too old to keep trying!!


Dr. Shah helped me with an eating plan that not only enabled me to lose stubborn weight that I thought would never come off, but also adopt a healthy lifestyle that I will maintain. She is always thorough in her evaluation of my health and well being and listens as I ask questions. Her professionalism, care and support are outstanding and encourage confidence to promote positive change.


I started my weight loss journey in December 2016. My heart doctor referred me to Dr. Shah since I was having trouble with my weight. I had my first visit with Dr. Shah and she explained every thing that would be happening with the program if I decieded to move forward. It is a year long program but that is what I needed, I needed to be held accountable so I wouldn’t slack. It has been since January 19, 2017 that I actually started with the program, I had some hurdles to over come before I could get started. Dr. Shah wants to make sure that you are healty enough to do the program. She offers you several choices for your weight loss and you decide what works best for you.. I have lost 24 lbs since January 19, 2017. Dr Shah has classes at the end of each appointment to help with your weight loss and once you have obtained your goal how to maintain your weight. I have looked into several weigt loss programs and Vitality is the best I have found. The program is easy to follow and your learning experience is priceless. I would recommend the program to anyone who is thinking about loosing weight in a safe and very easy to follow program. Dr. Shah is the best, I say go for it what have you got to loose but weight.


After trying many diets and programs that never stuck over the years, Dr. Ruby Shah educated me in the science of nutrition and weight loss that gave me the tools for success and much improved overall health. Her support and guidance is always available to her patients. Dr. Shah’s program is a Master’s class in how to take the best of care of our bodies for maximum health. Everything else is just a waste of time, effort, and money.

Janet K

Working with Dr. Shah at Vitality Weight Loss and Wellness has been one of the best things I have ever done. The first two weeks were hard. It was a big adjustment for me to rely so heavily on vegetables. But the shift in my diet has had wonderful benefits. Eating all the vegetables improved my micro biome to the point where I don’t have cravings and I am rarely tempted by food, allowing me to make better decisions. After that change, I was amazed at how easy the diet was for me. I have lost over 50 pounds so far and while I still have a ways to go, I no longer need to shop in the plus sizes. I feel like I look good in my clothes now. I have so much more energy, I can walk so much farther, going up stairs is no problem, and I don’t fall asleep in front of the t.v. I have recommended Dr. Shah to all my friends and would encourage anyone interested in weight loss to see Dr. Shah.

Stacie S
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