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Have you been trying to lose weight but just can’t gain the momentum you need? Find out how appetite suppressants could be the answer to your weight loss goals.

If you’ve been struggling to lose weight, appetite suppressants could be the solution. When combined with healthy lifestyle changes, like eating a nutritious diet and exercising regularly, appetite suppressants have been shown to help people lose 3-9% of their body weight in 12 months.

Our expert team at Vitality Weight Loss and Wellness Institute, located in Plano, Texas, offers these prescription medications to help you achieve your weight loss goals. Here’s what they are and how you should use them.

What are appetite suppressants?

Appetite suppressants – also referred to as diet pills – are prescription medications that curb your appetite and block your brain from feeling hunger. They help you feel full faster at mealtimes while also subduing your need to snack between meals.

Not only will these medications help you to lose weight and achieve a healthy body mass index (BMI), but they will also help you start to recognize when you’re full to establish healthy habits that will last a lifetime.

While there are lots of appetite suppressant gimmicks out there, our team only uses FDA-approved formulas to help you achieve optimal results.

Who qualifies for appetite suppressants?

To be considered a good candidate for prescription appetite suppressants, you must:

  • Have a BMI over 30 and need to lose a considerable amount of weight
  • Have a BMI over 27 and have weight-related health issues like Type 2 diabetes or hypertension

Our team will also review your medical history and any current medications you’re taking to make sure nothing will conflict with you taking the appetite suppressants.

Guidelines for using appetite suppressants

Before you begin taking appetite suppressants, our team will assess your health needs and goals before deciding which type will suit you best. After determining which prescription will work for you, they’ll give you instructions on how to properly take them.

To start, you’ll take the appetite suppressants for about 12 weeks to see how your body responds. If you have good results and no side effects, our team may encourage you to keep taking them.

You can always check in with our team via telemedicine to discuss your weight loss progress or if you have any questions while taking the medications.

To learn more about appetite suppressants or to find out if you qualify to take them, call our office located in Plano, Texas, at 972-597-1639 or use our online scheduler to request an appointment with us today.

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