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Losing weight can be difficult for many reasons. In this article, we dive into what could be holding you back from reaching your goal weight. Read on to learn more.

According to research, 84% of people living in the United States have tried at least one weight loss method. Yet, according to the CDC, 40% of Americans are obese, with even more who are overweight.

So why is weight loss difficult for so many people? Unfortunately, there’s no one simple answer or magic solution for anyone. Rather, several factors can contribute to you not being able to shed those extra pounds.

Because being overweight can have some significant health repercussions, it’s essential to find the root cause of what’s holding you back from achieving your weight loss goalsOur team at Vitality Weight Loss and Wellness Institute, located in Plano, Texas, shares some reasons why weight loss can sometimes be so difficult.

Factors that inhibit weight loss

There are a lot of variables when it comes to weight loss. Sometimes it’s more than just the calories you’re taking in versus the calories you’re burning. These are other factors that can inhibit weight loss:

  • Skipping meals: If you don’t eat breakfast or miss out on another meal, you tend to overindulge when you eat next.
  • Genetics:When you reduce your calorie intake to lose weight, your body may adapt by slowing down your metabolism – the rate at which you burn calories. This is often referred to as “starvation mode”. It’s your body’s way of ensuring survival when food is scarce.
  • Age: As you get older, your muscle mass decreases, and the amount of fat increases. That makes it much harder to burn calories.
  • Lack of sleep: Not getting enough sleep can slow your metabolism and decrease your energy and motivation to exercise and eat well.
  • Physical activity: Not getting enough physical activity can hinder weight loss. Exercise helps increase the number of calories your body burns over time.
  • Poor diet: Eating a diet high in processed foods, sugars, and unhealthy fats can contribute to weight gain and make weight loss more challenging.
  • Stress: High levels of stress can stimulate the production of hormones like cortisol, which can trigger your body to store fat, especially around the abdominal area.
  • Psychological factors: Emotional eating, or eating in response to stress, sadness, or other emotions, can contribute to weight gain. Likewise, some people may have unhealthy attitudes toward food that can hinder weight loss.
  • Environment: We are surrounded by food and drink that are high in calories but low in nutritional value. Additionally, many of us live sedentary lifestyles, working jobs that involve sitting for long periods and using cars or public transportation rather than walking or cycling.
  • Hormonal changes: As you age, hormonal changes can lead to a slower metabolism and an increase in body fat, particularly in women during menopause.
  • Certain medications: Some drugs, such as certain antidepressants, antipsychotics, corticosteroids, and medications for diabetes, epilepsy, or hypertension, can contribute to weight gain.

Weight loss often requires sustainable changes to eating and exercise habits. It’s typically most effective when it involves long-term strategies that promote a healthy lifestyle overall, not just short-term diets. It’s always advisable to consult with a healthcare provider or a nutritionist to develop a weight loss plan that is tailored to your specific needs and circumstances.

So, what’s the answer?

No matter the cause of your weight loss difficulty, Vitality Weight Loss and Wellness Institute is here to help. Weight loss needs to be catered to your individual lifestyle and health needs.

We offer medically supervised weight loss programs to help you achieve your goal weight and keep the weight off long-term. Our programs include nutritional counseling, exercise plans, psychology of eating classes, cognitive behavioral therapy, and access to support groups.

If you’re ready to take the next steps in your weight loss journey, our team is ready and able to help. We are experts in weight loss, and we take pride in being compassionate and caring. To schedule an appointment with us, call our office located in Plano, Texas, at 972-597-1639 or use our online booking tool today.

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